Add a burst of color with Pink Gerberas. These gerbera daisies, in a lively pink shade, bring a cheerful and playful vibe to bouquets, centerpieces, or any special arrangement. Known for their large, daisy-like blooms, pink gerberas are a popular choice for creating arrangements that exude joy and positivity. Infuse your designs with the lively charm of Pink Gerberas. Unbox freshness! Your flowers, straight from our farm to you. Order now at FlowerFarm and indulge in the farm-to-vase experience.
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STEP 2 How many do you need?
Units per Box
Delivered Unit Price
Delivered Box Price
Box Quantity
Total Delivered
Grade/Length: None Specified
Units per Box: 80
Delivered Unit Price: $1.58
Delivered Case Price: $126.51
Box Qty:
Total Delivered Price:

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